see the LIVE STREAM on the day
Join SPLICE LIVE for an evening of music, talking, bidding and selling…. yes it’s The Linosa Close Auction hosted by Bill Drummond, art for sale like you’ve never seen it before!
Items up for auction all come from the Linosa Close towerblock which is due for demolition early next year, these include; Caretakers Chris and Colins mop and bucket, the key cupboard and the keys to every flat in the block, signs and memorabilia from the building as well as fragments from almost every artwork that was developed in the block as part of the Further Up in the Air project.
SPLICE LIVE will be talking to the artists and the people that buy their work as well as asking the residents about their experience of the project, the artworks that have been proposed for their new development and future aims and aspirations for art in their community. Watch out for live music from the residents and visuals from the flats that became artists studios.
Other topics around the table include:
So the Biennial has opened, has it changed your life yet?
What is the benefit of public art to local communities and the people who experience it?
What impact does public art have on the regeneration of the city as a whole?
What actually is a “community” project?
What are your expectations of the next 10 weeks of the Biennial?
Can Hilary talk more then Mikey?
Please feel free to come along, have your say and even buy some art… There might even be some drinks and the odd sandwich…
If you want to watch on line, follow the live link from this page.
Any comments please contact
Look out for the next SPLICE LIVE webcasts!
Thursday 23 September
To be held in a the portacabin / community centre at the tower blocks
Auction hosted by Bill Drummond, webcast in association with Further Up in the Air (Leo Fitzmaurice and Neville Gabie) – arts project in high rise buildings in Liverpool.
In addition to auction and discussion of this project, the art being auctioned and the people who make or buy it, and whatever Mr Drummond has to say for himself these are some of the topics up for discussion:
* Who cares about the Biennial?
The impact and visibility of a large scale event on audiences other than the recognised art scene.
This discussion will involve analysing the visibility of Biennial activity to audiences outside of the art market and their expectations and feelings of worth of Liverpool hosting such an event.
* Where did that come from?
Public opinion regarding the prominence of public art in the Biennial and its benefit to local communities
This will discuss the relevance of site-specific work to the people who experience it and the reality of its impact on the regeneration of the city as a whole.
Also to discuss the impact of ‘community’ based projects and what this term actually means.
Further Up in the Air are launching a publication the weekend before whereby artists involved in the project have submitted proposals for “public art” (whatever that term means, also interesting point of discussion) that the tenants will select.