Talkaoke comes to Liverpool for the second round of SPLICE LIVE! Hosted by Independent Gallery, Jump Ship Rat, down in the Biennial’s Independent District this webcast brings together local artists and art students with organisers of the New Contemporaries exhibiton, former front man of the illusive North West Arts Board office, movers and shakers from the a-foundation, and a wrestling match with a difference… if you can’t be here or there on the day then check out the archive to see the show in full.
see the video
SPLICE Live : Round 2
On 23 October the second webcast in the SPLICE Live series will take a
closer look at the Independent strand of the Liverpool Biennial. In
collaboration with ‘Graduates 04’, an exhibtion of 6 new graduates from the
BA in Fine Art at LJMU, hosted by Arena Gallery, the event will bring
together a host of people involed behind the scenes of the Independent
exhibition as well as Independent artists from both Liverpool and beyond to
discuss the issues raised by the event. There may be talk about how the
Biennial supports and affects local artists, what students and new graduates
think of the current art scene in the city, and how we might make the
future better for both artists and audiences in Liverpool…
The webcast will be held this Saturday 23 October, 2pm – 5pm, at Jump Ship
Rat Gallery, on Greenland Street in the Indepedent District. If you can’t
make it to the live event you can watch a live stream on,
and post your questions or comments to
For more info email: