Talkaoke in Århus


  • Talkaoke: the open-mic talk-show
  • 21st May 2009, 7-9pm.
  • Rum46, Studsgade 46, st. tv., 8000 Århus C, Denmark

Talkaoke is the open-mic talk-show from London, where anyone can sit and air their views around the UFO of Chat.

The Talkaoke Table will be landing this Thursday 21st May in the wonderful Rum46 in downtown Århus next Thursday, for an evening of conviviality and conversation led by you, the Talkaokeists!

This week Talkaoke will be hosted in Danish and English by our new host Pernille, who rocked the table on her first session last week.

Bring your opinions, ideas, complaints, questions… anything you want to discuss, or just come to drink, eat and hear what people have to say. If it’s your first time at Talkaoke – there are only two rules: no singing, and no punch-ups. Apart from that, anything can happen, and often does.

PS: If you would like to try hosting Talkaoke, please contact before the event to reserve a space.

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