We are very pleased to announce that the winner of the hotly contested Democracy Bench design competition is the wonderful John Kennedy, with his design for ‘The Thing‘.
It was a close-run competition – with Linda Hesh’s ‘For and Against’ benches coming in second by only a few votes, followed by ‘A bench to encourage democratic public debate’ by Stuart Haden.
This beautiful bench was commissioned by an audience of 180 people, each paying £10 and then proposing, discussing and voting on what they wanted to do with their £1800. You can read the whole story so far, or just watch the new video – hot off Rick’s workstation – below:
We will now be working with John, Southwark Council, and the great Parks team at Chumleigh Gardens to get the bench built and installed. More news soon!
We would like to thank all the artists who made such an effort to do these great designs, and provide the whole audience with something to talk, think and vote about.