We Make Podcasts
Podcasts seem to be a very popular medium these days and quite rightly so! At The People Speak we always encourage people to use their voices to express their thoughts, listen and connect with others – even people outside of our typical social bubble. Besides, making your own podcast is a way of democratising the media and a more active way of participating and shaping the world around us. That was the reason behind starting Talkaoke in the first place. The voice in Mikey’s head said: “If you don’t like this talk show then make your own!” and that’s how it all started.
If we had a penny for everytime someone said “have you thought about turning Talkaoke into a podcast?” we would quite confidently have a lifetime supply of falafel wraps. We just needed to make the first step and get Laura on the case. Talkaoke Shorts is an easily digestable audio slice of a longer conversation between participants of our regular live talkshow, and we have launched it this month! The first episode is a call back to the February Talkaoke at Tommy Flowers Community Pub where, for reasons only known to the universe, we we ended up talking about dreams. You can catch the first dreamy episode of Talkaoke Shorts podcast on our YouTube channel! Let us know what you think because, you know, we like to hear your thoughts.
Over the months many people popped into our Poplar studio to share their ideas for podcasts: from MMA, to health, overcoming addiction, spirituality, independent music and many more! But how many actually dared to hit that record button? Our local resident John, has recorded a whole
podcast series called “Anything But Tea”. Each 5-ish minute episode delves into, what he calls ‘a ragbag of a mind’. It makes a very interesing listen, espeically that John’s meandering and curious mind finds unique persepctives in a whole bunch of subjects from how to spot talent in others, life without a phone [I know!!] or what happens to our belongings after we die and many more. John has got a whole lifetime of experience of living with disability to draw on.

podcast making taster workshops with a podcast producer
Evi Hall and audio artist Teddy Godwin have proved very popular too. If you would like to get the flavour of what we did and what the journey has been like for the participants, you can
listen to a remix of what we’ve covered in this footage by Teddy.
In fact, one of my favourite moments in this year was a Talkaoke-style podcast making course we ran with
Tower Hamlets Recovery College. We met some talented people and witnessed how mental health can be benefitted by talking, sharing and playing with creative ideas.
Finally, if you are thinking about making your own podcast and need a bit of motivation and a friendly space to start out – get in touch. This is hot off the press but we have received some funding from the
Lady Neville Charity to start the construction of a pop up Podcast Booth, which we will ba taking on tour soon. So watch this space!
This entry was posted on Monday, May 15th, 2023 at 6:22 pm. It is filed under blog.
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