Zsolt is an innovative animation and video designer and creative director of Palma studio. Trained at NFTS and the Royal College of Art, London, his creative portfolio spans live events, theatre, exhibitions, and film production. The artistry and visual power of his designs have been widely acclaimed. Before establishing Palma studio, Zsolt cut his teeth on high-profile commissions for, among others, Fifty-Nine Productions and the London 2012 Olympic Opening (OCC), David Bowie Is (V&A), and The Baroque Story / Hampton Court 500 event (Historic Royal Palaces). Zsolt’s collaborations with The People Speak include Segue, Heckle and countless Talkaokes. He brings a huge expertise of special effects, graphical creativity and architectural visualisation skills used to turn people’s ideas into spectacular imaginative vistas.
Check out Palma Studio website here.
See more of Zsolt’s work on Vimeo.