The Norwich Gallery, St Georges Street for the East 05 opening.
6.30pm – 9pm.
The Talkaoke table was set up in an ally next to the main entrance to the East 05 exhibition at Norwich Gallery. As people poured out onto St Georges street the conversational ball got rolling on the topics of Mat shaving his balls, the castration of the aesthetic, faciasm, chav spotting in audience, truth is beauty, natzi aesthetics and more generally the aesthetics of ideas, can evil produce beauty. Is talkaoke a competative game, it was decided it shouldn’t be, but t was pointed out that some conversational engagement is always compeative. Is voting agaist uk eurovion a way of protesting against the war? The potential or rather lack of political participation via Live 8. If they wanted to reduce poverty, rather than promote new bands, they could have done more.